Fight against bill attacking Marbled Murrelet habitat. HB2300 – NO

Was sent to us yesterday:
I wanted to update you on a few things. First, the hearing for HB 2300 went long and the committee wasn’t able to hear testimony from the public on 2300 specifically. The hearing has been rescheduled for January 10 at 8:00 am.
We’re concerned that this bills might be passed, and WEC is doing everything we can to get the language and intention of the bills right. However, we need the public to speak up on these issues and let legislators know that, not only are these bills unfairly blaming marbled murrelets for the economic struggles of rural communities, but they are really unhelpful. Those of us at WEC care about rural communities and want to see them thrive, but logging more state lands is not the way to achieve that. We want DNR and Hilary Franz to take a leadership role in her Solutions Table process and not have the legislature meddle in the process. And more importantly, your government leaders need to know that their constituents care about wildlife, forests and ecological systems, and about this little chunky bird that is teetering on extinction.
If you live in the 19th or 24th district—your voice is especially important since these areas are rural and heavily timber-dependent. Please take the time to review some of our talking points and email the legislators on the committees considering the bills. See attached document for more information.
As always, let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Arianne Jaco • Evergreen Forests Program Associate
 Washington Environmental Council
1402 Third Avenue | Suite 1400 | Seattle, WA 98101