New Puget Sound climate study: Older projections coming true, more changes ahead – Tacoma News Tribune

More local updates on climate change science and it’s impacts. We are now entering a period where the first waves of local data and predictions are behind us, and we can start to compare those predictions with real data. The problems we are going to have with river flows, snowpack and salmon are going to take very hard work to mitigate, if they can be at all.  Anyone wishing to jump in can contact me about opportunities. Many exist. A lot of us have been spending years of our lives contributing to prioritization of issues, and meetings to debate those priorities. It’s a small group that rotates through, due to lack of interest by the general public in participating and we are always willing to have new people contribute as they can.

If you are in a hurry, simply go to the link of the report and read the Executive Summary.

Closer to home than the thousands of world leaders in Paris to discuss how to limit the scale of human-caused global warming, the consequences of climate change underway around Puget Sound have been detailed in an in-depth scientific study. The report, issued in November [] by the University of Washington’s Climate Impacts Group, found projections in a 2005 study on potential warming effects have come to pass, its authors said. The consequences threaten cornerstones of South Sound life from worsening floods and droughts to diminishing salmon stocks and snowpacks. Derrick Nunnally reports. (Tacoma News Tribune)

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